Please continue on to the CAPS section. RCCX Theory posits that CYP21A2 mutations predispose to most psychiatric conditions (biolar disorder, anxiety disorders, compulsive behaviors, mood disorders, PTSD, dissociative disorders, eating disorders, aspects of autism (sensory sensitivities, hyperfocus, special interests, females with male brain wiring, excellent systems approach, processing superiority, social awkwardness) except schizophrenia which is linked to C4. Schizoaffective disorder may be C4 mutations co-inherited with CYP21A2 mutations. CYP21A2 mutations are associated with high CRH which can lead to mast cell activation and brain inflammation causing psychosis and high brain histamine. CYP21A2 mutations create a brain wired for danger by age 5 via hormone milieu. I call this CAPS, CYP21A2 mutation associated neuropsychiatric spectrum.